My Projects


Delve - Language Learning 3D Game (HNG)

In-progress: Delve is a language learning AI web app that uses three.js to improve learning of new languages.


Jumia Nigeria Online Shopping — Clone

In-progress: A Progressive Web App (PWA) clone of Jumia Nigeria's online shopping platform. Mimicking key features like product listings, search, and cart functionalities using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.



A Landing Page for the Pursfi Finance App. Built using Next.js, Framer motion and Tailwind CSS.


DevLinks - Links Sharing App

In-progress: A personalized link-sharing app for developers to consolidate social media profiles and other external links. Built with Next.js, Firebase, and Tailwind CSS.


Traffic Tracker App

Front-end only: A traffic tracking app prototype built with React.js and Tailwind CSS. No APIs integrated yet, but the design and functionality are in place.

react native

HomeHaven - Online Home and Furniture Store App

HomeHaven is an e-commerce app UI. Built with React Native, Expo, and twrnc, it showcases a visually appealing interface for browsing home decor and furniture.


Brainwave AI Chat App

A chatbot powered by AI with dynamic features like parallax scrolling and locked viewport. Built with React, Tailwind CSS, and Just Parallax for sleek user experience.


Lazynerd Studios

A landing page for a creative agency. Features custom animations with Framer Motion, and a minimalistic design using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.


Geegpay Analytics Dashboard

A comprehensive analytics dashboard for visualizing user and transaction data. Developed with Next.js and Chart.js for interactive data representation.


Payment Wallet

Front-end only: An e-payment wallet system that allows users to buy data, pay bills, and transfer funds securely. Built with React, Tailwind CSS, and Typescript.


Real-time Chat App

A chat application with real-time messaging and user authentication. Built using React and Appwrite for a smooth and secure communication experience.